ABI/Inform collection (ProQuest)
Provides access to thousands of full text journals, dissertations, working papers, key business and economics periodicals such as The Economist, country and industry focused reports and major news sources including the Wall Street Journal. Subject coverage also include advertising, marketing, economics and finance, taxation, transportation and construction.
Access Policy: Available to Curtin staff and students and alumni. Available to walk-in users within the Library.
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- Accounting, Economics and Finance - key database
- Mathematics, Statistics and Actuarial Science
Accounting, tax and banking collection (ProQuest)
A research database containing essential fulltext publications for information about the financial services industry, including Accounting, Tax, Banking, and Industry Trends.
Access Policy: Available to Curtin staff and students and alumni. Available to walk-in users within the Library.
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- Accounting, Economics and Finance
- Taxation
Acland's video atlas of human anatomy
The collection supports the teaching of anatomy with narrated videos of real cadaver specimens, including hundreds of video clips of human dissections of the head, neck, upper and lower extremity, trunk and internal organs. Useful for lectures, lab reviews and as a supplement to dissection.
Access Policy: Available to Curtin staff and students. Available to walk-in users and alumni within the Library.
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- Biomedical Sciences - key database
- Medical Radiation Science
- Medicine
- Medicine
- Nursing, Midwifery and Paramedicine
- Occupational Therapy and Speech Pathology
- Physiotherapy and Exercise Science
ACM Digital Library
A research, discovery and networking platform containing the full-text of all Association for Computer Machinery (ACM) publications, including journals, conference proceedings, technical magazines, newsletters and books since 1985.
Access Policy: Available to Curtin staff and students. Available to walk-in users and alumni within the Library. Users of the ACM Digital Library are asked to abide by the ACM Copyright Policy, paying particular attention to the Permissions statement.
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- Civil Engineering
- Computing - key database
- Electrical and Computer Engineering - key database
- Library and Information Studies
ACS publications
Provides full text access to chemistry-related information and research through peer-reviewed journals and ebooks.
Access Policy: Available to Curtin staff and students. Available to walk-in users and alumni within the Library.
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- Chemical Engineering
- Chemistry and Forensic Science - key database
- Public Health
Publishes scholarly research, reference titles and journals in support of the agronomy, crops and soils science fields. Subject coverage include crop breeding and genetics, soil physics, agroclimatology and ecology.
Access Policy: Available to Curtin staff and students. Available to walk-in users and alumni within the Library.
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- Environment and Agriculture
Advanced Technologies & Aerospace Collection (ProQuest)
Includes the renowned Aerospace Database and provides full text titles from around the world, including scholarly journals, trade and industry journals, magazines, technical reports, conference proceedings, and government publications. It also contains specialised, editorially-curated A&I resources for discovery of relevant scholarly research. Topics covered include aeronautics, astronautics, communications, computer and information technology, electronics, laser, space sciences and telecommunications.
Access Policy: Available to Curtin staff and students and alumni. Available to walk-in users within the Library.
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- Computing
- Electrical and Computer Engineering
Agricultural & Environmental Science Collection (ProQuest)
A collection that includes the renowned AGRICOLA, TOXLINE, EPM and Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) databases. It provides access to full text titles from around the world and includes specialised editorially-curated A&I resources covering topics such as the effects of pollution on people and animals, and environmental action and policy responses.
Access Policy: Available to Curtin staff and students and alumni. Available to walk-in users within the Library.
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- Environment and Agriculture
- Public Health
AIP Publishing
Gives access to journals, conference proceedings, and other special publications in subjects such as physics, chemistry geosciences, engineering and acoustics through the American Institute of Physics.
Access Policy: Available to Curtin staff and students.
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- Physics and Astronomy - key database
Alexander Street Press
Provides curated content that is discipline-focused, primary source collections, websites and streaming media for learning and research. The collection includes Counselling and Therapy in Video; Education in Video; Ethnographic Video Online; Filmakers Library Online; and Theatre in Video, Nursing Education in Video and World Newsreels Online.
Access Policy: Available to Curtin staff and students. Available to walk-in users and alumni within the Library.
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- Aboriginal Studies
- Education
- Film & Television
- History and Geography
- Literary and Cultural Studies
Alliance of crop, soil and environmental science societies digital library - see ACSESS DL
Publishes scholarly research, reference titles and journals in support of the agronomy, crops and soils science fields. Subject coverage include crop breeding and genetics, soil physics, agroclimatology and ecology.
Access Policy: Available to Curtin staff and students. Available to walk-in users and alumni within the Library.
- Environment and Agriculture
Alternative press index archive
A companion to the Alternative Press Index, APIA is a bibliographic database of articles from alternative, radical and left periodicals, newspapers and magazines. Coverage spans 1969 through to 1990.
Access Policy: Available to Curtin staff and students. Available to walk-in users and alumni within the Library.
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- Journalism and Digital Media
- Visual Art and Design
American Chemical Society publications - see ACS publications
Provides full text access to chemistry-related information and research through peer-reviewed journals and ebooks.
Access Policy: Available to Curtin staff and students. Available to walk-in users and alumni within the Library.
- Chemical Engineering
- Chemistry and Forensic Science - key database
- Public Health
American Institute of Physics Scitation - see AIP Publishing
Gives access to journals, conference proceedings, and other special publications in subjects such as physics, chemistry geosciences, engineering and acoustics through the American Institute of Physics.
Access Policy: Available to Curtin staff and students.
- Physics and Astronomy - key database
A multimedia platform developed primarily for anatomy students in tertiary institutions and for postgraduate speciality training. It is also a particularly useful consultation tool for medical practitioners explaining diagnostic imaging and invasive procedures to patients. Contains resources for practicals, tutorials and lectures.
Access Policy: Available to Curtin staff and students. Available to walk-in users and alumni within the Library.
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- Biomedical Sciences - key database
- Medical Radiation Science - key database
- Medicine - key database
- Nursing, Midwifery and Paramedicine
- Occupational Therapy and Speech Pathology
- Physiotherapy and Exercise Science
Annual reviews (Online)
Comprehensive, timely collections of critical reviews written by leading scientists. Published each year for 29 focused disciplines within the Biomedical, Physical, and Social Sciences.
Access Policy: Available to Curtin staff and students and alumni. Available to walk-in users within the Library.
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- Applied Geology and Exploration Geophysics
- Chemistry and Forensic Science
- Pharmacy
APA PsycTherapy (Ovid)
Database of streaming psychotherapy demonstrations featuring therapists working with participants on a host of therapeutic topics. To view video click on the Videos link in the results list.
Access Policy: Available to Curtin staff and students. Available to walk-in users and alumni within the Library.
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- Medicine
- Nursing, Midwifery and Paramedicine
- Occupational Therapy and Speech Pathology
- Psychology - key database
- Social Work
Art and architecture archive (ProQuest)
A journal archive of art and architecture literature from the 1800s to 2005. Covers areas including the history of architecture, fine and applied arts through to interior and industrial design, and restoration.
Access Policy: Available to Curtin staff and students. Available to walk-in users and alumni within the Library.
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- Visual Art and Design - key database
Art full text (H.W. Wilson)
A comprehensive resource for art information and provides examples of styles and art movements, including works by emerging artists. The database covers fine, decorative and commercial art, folk art, photography, film and architecture. An art research database providing access to art journals and books. It covers fine, decorative and commercial art, as well as photography, film and architecture. Content includes full text and indexed journal articles.
Access Policy: Available to Curtin staff and students. Available to walk-in users and alumni within the Library.
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- Architecture and Interior Architecture - key database
- Visual Art and Design - key database
ARTstor digital library (now on the JSTOR platform)
Database of digital images covering art, architecture, music, religion, anthropology, literature, world history, cultural studies and more.
Access Policy: Available to Curtin staff and students. Available to walk-in users and alumni within the Library.
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- Architecture and Interior Architecture
- Visual Art and Design - key database
ASFA: aquatic sciences and fisheries abstracts (ProQuest) - see Earth, Atmospheric & Aquatic Science Collection (ProQuest)
Provides access to materials from scholarly journals, trade journals, magazines conference proceedings and government publications. Full text and indexing, covers Environment and Agriculture, Science and Engineering, Applied Geology and Geophysics.
Access Policy: Available to Curtin staff and students and alumni. Available to walk-in users within the Library.
- Applied Geology and Exploration Geophysics
- Environment and Agriculture
Asian film online
Database of curated feature films, documentaries and shorts focused on Asian society and culture, including globalisation, social and political unrest, cultural identity and modernity.
Access Policy: Available to Curtin staff and students. Available to walk-in users and alumni within the Library.
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- Asian Languages
- Film & Television
A collection of biographical, bibliographic, critical, and production information about Australian writers and writing. Contains over 60 000 Australian authors and literary organisations, from 1780 to the present day. Contains full text and indexed journal articles, newspapers, magazines and more.
Access Policy: Available to Curtin staff and students and alumni. Available to walk-in users within the Library.
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- Literary and Cultural Studies - key database
- Professional Writing and Publishing - key database
Australian education research theses database
A comprehensive source of research found in doctoral and masters research theses accepted by all Australian universities in the field of education. It also includes some overseas theses on Australian education topics.
Access Policy: Available to Curtin staff and students. Available to walk-in users and alumni within the Library.
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Avery index to architectural periodicals (ProQuest)
Index of journal article literature focusing on architecture, architectural design, green design, historic preservation, history of architecture, interior design, sustainable development and urban planning.
Access Policy: Available to Curtin staff and students and alumni. Available to walk-in users within the Library.
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- Architecture and Interior Architecture - key database
- Construction Management
- Urban and Regional Planning